Opposition condemns development approval next to Ġgantija Temples

ADPD and PN have condemned the recent permit approval for an apartment block next to the Ġgantija Temples UNESCO site

ADPD decried lack of sensitivity towards heritage and an alarming prioritisation of financial interests over cultural heritage.

The green party has called for the dismissal and investigation of Planning Authority board members who voted in favour of the project.

Approving the development of an apartment block near Ġgantija Temples was “scandalous”, the Nationalist Party said.

The decision offended the nation’s identity and neglected the public interest, PN spokespersons Julie Zahra (Cultural heritage) and Stanley Zammit (Planning) said.

The PN called for an investigation into possible conflicts of interest within the Planning Authority and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. It said some employees were lent out from one entity to the other.

On Thursday, the PA’s board voted seven to one in favour of developing a 22-apartment block just 157 metres away from the Gozitan World Heritage Site.

A Heritage Impact Assessment requested by the UNESCO had not been carried out before the controversial decision.