Zammit hopes his resignation was an ‘eye-opener’ to Labour

Former Xagħra mayor Christian Zammit has explained the reasons for his resignation from local council and his Labour Party roles

In order not to “get lost in fabricated stories”, Zammit offered an explanation on the expression “tolgo il disturbo” (“getting out of the way”) which he used when announcing his resignation on Thursday noon.

Zammit said he had not left because he woke up in the morning and decided to do so, adding he had been declaring for several years “that the system is sick”.

“I said this because politics is there to help everyone, not to become a prostitute of big business”, the former mayor said on Facebook on Saturday.

He asked why the country has not addressed the links between politics and business, and why the political system was enabling wide-spread money laundering.

Rubbishing claims he had become a Nationalist, Zammit said “the PN is rudderless, locked in a clamp of debts and liabilities, and miles away from my liberal values”.

He also asked why tens of thousands of voters were fed up with both parties, and wanted “a third party to rise up and shake up the system”.

The former mayor said he had not betrayed the Labour Party, adding “I hope I was an eye-opener and that things that need change, will change with this step I took”.

On Thursday afternoon, Prime Minister Robert Abela said he was seeking to convince Christian Zammit to return to the party and the local council.

It is now safe to report that Abela’s attempts to persuade the former mayor have failed miserably.