The Shift: Rosianne Cutajar’s ‘political price paid’ worth €28k

Former parliamentary secretary Rosianne Cutajar received almost €28,000 in terminal benefits after resigning in disgrace in 2021

On Sunday, The Shift revealed that “Abela’s ousted ministers” received a total of €318,000 from a secret terminal benefits scheme – an average of €35,000 each.

The former ministers Evarist Bartolo, José Herrera and Michael Farrugia topped the list with having received €44,060.61 each.

Rosianne Cutajar, who resigned from parliamentary secretary in February 2021 in a move she now calls “paying the political price”, received €27,770.24.

The latest terminal benefit payments

Ms Rosianne CutajarEx-Parliamentary Secretary25/02/2021€27,770.24
Mr Evarist BartoloEx-Minister26/03/2022€44,060.61
Dr José HerreraEx-Minister26/03/2022€44,060.61
Dr Edward Zammit LewisEx-Minister26/03/2022€29,373.74
Mr Carmelo AbelaEx-Minister26/03/2022€35,493.27
Dr Michael FarrugiaEx-Minister26/03/2022€44,060.61
Mr Alex MuscatEx-Parliamentary Secretary26/03/2022€28,171.24
Mr Chris AgiusEx-Parliamentary Secretary26/03/2022€36,387.85
Dr Deo DebattistaEx-Parliamentary Secretary26/03/2022€28,171.24

The Shift published this information, obtained through a freedom of information request, on Sunday evening.