Bonġu News on 23 June 2022

Heat wave: 37°C to hit Malta — Summer wave: 523 new COVID-19 cases — AUM to give up Żonqor campus plans — Pro-Choice NGOs: ‘Decriminalise abortion’

Heat wave: 37°C to hit Malta

Malta is set for a scorching start to the summer season with temperatures up to 37°C.

The Met office said a dome of excessive heat is expected to settle over Malta from today.

In recent days, France, Italy and Spain have all experienced heatwaves with temperatures exceeding 40°C.

Meteorologists have warned that the increasingly early arrival of heatwaves is directly linked to human-induced global warming.

Summer wave: 523 new COVID-19 cases

The number of new COVID-19 cases in Malta reached 523 on Wednesday, the highest single-day figure since April.

Multiple European countries are experiencing a significant surge in new COVID-19 cases.

International experts speak of a ‘summer wave’, and are warning the public not to let the guard down.

Since April, the Maltese health authorities have downscaled their Corona-related information in social media. 

AUM to give up Żonqor campus plans

The American University of Malta will give up Żonqor and develop a campus at SmartCity instead.

SmartCity on the other hand will give up parts of its original land concession.

Economy Minister Silvio Schembri tabled two parliamentary resolutions on Wednesday, following months of negotiations with both the AUM and SmartCity.

The government is going to take back two parcels of public land in Senglea and Marsaskala earmarked for the AUM.

Plans to develop a campus in Marsaskala sparked nationwide protests in 2015.

The controversial university run by the Sadeen Group has long struggled to attract enough students.

Pro-Choice NGOs: ‘Decriminalise abortion’

A 16-week pregnant American woman is on a holiday abroad. She is suffering a miscarriage. There’s no chance that the foetus will survive. But she happens to be in the wrong country.

As long as there’s a heartbeat, doctors are not allowed to terminate her pregnancy. No, this is not happening in Shithole-istan, but right now, here in Malta.

Activists called once again for decriminalisation of abortion, as local laws are able to put the health of Andrea Prudente, and of all women in Malta and Gozo, at risk.