‘Unacceptable delays’ in Sofia inquiry, PM complains to chief justice

Abela slams inquiring magistrate Marseanne Farrugia for “totally unacceptable delays”

Prime Minister Robert Abela has asked the chief justice to ensure that the magisterial inquiry into Jean Paul Sofia’s death is concluded as soon as possible.

Sofia (20) was killed when a building under construction collapsed at Corradino Industrial Estate last December.

In a letter to Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti on Thursday, Abela wrote that a delay in the magisterial inquiry is totally unacceptable given the sensitivity of the case.

“The inquiring magistrate has, at her disposal, all the resources requested including the technical experts needed”, the prime minister said.

The Malta Law Students’ Society has strongly condemned Abela’s letter, accusing him of interfering in the judiciary and scapegoating the inquiring magistrate.

The Nationalist Party said Abela was only seeking to cover up, and to justify the incompetence of the police in the investigation.

Isabelle Bonnici, Jean Paul Sofia’s mother, has campaigned for a public inquiry into her son’s death – a request Abela has adamantly refused.

Portrait and candles outside Castille removed

A portrait of Jean Paul Sofia placed by his mother outside the Prime Minister’s Office on Wednesday was removed overnight.

ADPD Deputy Chairperson Sandra Gauci, independent politician Arnold Cassola, and Opposition Leader Bernard Grech criticised the removal of the photo.

Both Gauci and Cassola observed this was similar to the repeated clearing of the makeshift memorial for Daphne Caruana Galizia on Minister Owen Bonnici’s orders.

Update 19:50 | On Thursday evening, friends of Jean Paul Sofia put up another picture of him in front of Castille.

Reacting to Robert Abela’s letter to the chief justice, Sofia’s family reiterated their call for a public inquiry.

Civil society group Repubblika reiterated its support for the family’s request, questioning who Abela is protecting by opposing a public inquiry.