Judge Giovanni Grixti has maintained his decision to recuse himself from the case on the recovery of public funds paid to Steward Healthcare

Steward case judge stands ground against State Advocate’s pressure
Judge Grixti sharply criticised what he deemed an “intimidating tone” from the State Advocate and the government.
Grixti affirmed his recusal, again emphasising the need to preserve impartiality, particularly in a case that could face international scrutiny.
The case is an attempt by the Nationalist Party to get the court to order the State Advocate to take action to recover public funds paid to Steward Healthcare.
Last week, Judge Grixti recused himself since his partner, a lawyer, had been appointed as curator for Steward Healthcare in separate court proceedings.
The State Advocate then requested the judge to revoke his decision to withdraw from proceedings, claiming the decision did not follow legal provisions.
“This court cannot but deplore the not so nice tone, which was quite intimidating, adopted by the State Advocate, which was unfortunately embraced by the government”, the judge said his decree delivered on Wednesday.
Adding that there was no need for such “ferocious” language in the judicial request, Grixti went on to confirm his recusal.
PN justice spokesperson Karol Aquilina raised the issue in Parliament later on Wednesday, calling on Justice Minister Jonathan Attard to apologise for the intimidating language towards the judge.
Attard refused to apologise and insisted he would not apologise for actions that, he claimed, sought to “safeguard the rule of law”.