DHI Periti's 'Floriana Green City' project, St Anne Street

PN eyeing the Metaverse, PL gives details on urban greening

Bernard Grech detailed the ‘ten new economic sectors’ a PN government would create — Labour presented five urban areas to be converted into green spaces

Both major political parties held media conferences on Monday morning to deliver details on their first proposals made on Sunday.

Opposition leader Bernard Grech has detailed the ‘ten new economic sectors’ a PN government would create.

The sectors are: Metaverse-driven investments, compliance and due diligence services, specialised manufacturing clusters, 3D printing, artificial intelligence apps, eSports, video gaming, sports industry, energy optimisation, and global profit with purpose / social enterprises.

The €1 billion pledge was made on Sunday evening during the Nationalist Party’s first official election campaign rally in front of its headquarters in Pietà.

Grech explained on Monday morning that €500 million would be invested by a PN government, with another half a billion in foreign investment and loans.

The Labour Party has presented details on its €700 million urban greening pledge, with five concrete proposals to turn urban areas into green spaces.

The areas include the Ħamrun milk factory which would be converted into a public garden with underground parking, and the greening of Floriana’s St Anne Street and San Ġwann’s church square where traffic would be rerouted underground.

Two further proposals of the Labour Party are the covering of the Santa Venera tunnels with a green roof, and turning Victoria’s bus terminus car park into an underground facility to make way for a football pitch and a public garden.