Planning Board rejects new plans for canopies at Arkadia’s ‘Suq tal-Belt’

An application for new retractable canopies in front of the Grade 1 scheduled Suq tal-Belt was rejected by the Planning Board

Arkadia Marketing Limited sought to replace the existing canopies in front of the building with retractable ones.

Digital render of the rejected retractable canopies

The existing canopies, installed in October 2019, are subject to an enforcement order that has yet to be decided.

Architect Chris Briffa was among those who heavily criticised the structures, saying the canopies “make the square look like a cheap shed”.

Arkadia has been appealing the Planning Authority notice that the two structures were built without permission and are obstructing the views of the building. 

Daily fine payments of up to €50 per day are due, starting from the notification date in October 2019.