NEWZ on Wednesday 22 May 2024

“Labour’s desperate campaign for votes against the hospitals inquiry has reached another low”, says Michael Kaden

Muscat cools talk of ‘solidarity meeting’

Joseph Muscat seemingly discourages people from attending a ‘solidarity meeting’ announced for 28 May. Friends of Muscat have called for the meeting outside the law courts on the day of his arraignment.

“The biggest show of solidarity” that he could ask of supporters was voting for Labour candidates on 8 June. The disgraced former prime minister spoke at an event hosted by MEP candidate Clint Azzopardi Flores.

Prime Minister Robert Abela alleged that the Nationalist Party was planning a “trap” for those who gather in support. However, he did not provide specifics about his alleged “trap” which he called “not nice at all”.

Referring to the Opposition, Abela appealed to Labour supporters to keep calm and not to be provoked.

PN leader Bernard Grech slammed Abela for his claims, warning him to “stop this dangerous attitude”. Grech said Abela’s speech was “intended to rile people up” and to “create damage and trouble”.

Earlier on Tuesday, Repubblika’s Robert Aquilina accused Joseph Muscat of agitating people “to try and avoid justice for the deceit he committed when he was Prime Minister”.

Muscat’s actions posed a great challenge for the police in maintaining order at such delicate moment.

Aquilina said that rule-of-law NGO Repubblika has told the police it will not organise any public activities during the arraignments of Joseph Muscat and others on 28 and 29 May.

Inquiry report: Mizzi and Schembri demand ‘full disclosure’

Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi demand “full disclosure”, claiming breach of their rights as suspects.

They said that the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner were refusing to hand them “important documents” from the Vitals inquiry, in breach of their rights as suspects to full disclosure and a fair trial.

In their judicial protests filed on Tuesday, they also said that no one ever spoke to them before they were charged.

The former prime minister’s chief of staff, and former minister also objected to NGO Repubblika’s bid to be admitted to the criminal proceedings as an injured party.


Sunny, 27°C.