Author and journalist Mark Camilleri has been acquitted of insulting and threatening MP Rosianne Cutajar in comments on Facebook

Mark Camilleri cleared of insulting and threatening Rosianne Cutajar
In October 2021, Camilleri claimed that Cutajar was “a liar and totally corrupt” and warned that he would become her “worst nightmare” unless she resigned from politics completely.
Following a police report filed by Cutajar over those comments, the cybercrime unit pressed charges against the former National Book Council chairman.
Camilleri faced charges under article 339(1)(e) of the Criminal Code, a contraventional offence related to words, gestures, and writings directed by one person against another.
In her judgement delivered on Monday, Magistrate Simone Grech concluded that the behaviour reported by Cutajar did not align with the parameters of this offence.
The court said that the offence under the article that Camilleri was charged with was limited to insults and threats that remained between the parties concerned.
After delivering her conclusions, Magistrate Grech proceeded to acquit Camilleri of the charge.
Lawyer Joseph Mizzi was counsel to Mark Camilleri, while lawyers Edward Gatt and Mark Vassallo appeared parte civile for Rosianne Cutajar.