Lovin Malta spreads Neville Gafà’s threats against Mark Camilleri

Lovin Malta has amplified Facebook posts by Neville Gafà which – at first sight – read like open threats against Mark Camilleri

“Prepare a coffee for me because I’m coming to visit you and we’ll have a quiet word”, Neville Gafà told former book council chairman and publisher Mark Camilleri in a Facebook post on Tuesday evening.

“By the way, they have revealed where you live, Ġaħan [moron]. You should never have trusted [them]. Is it possible you made this mistake?”, Gafà said on Tuesday.

“Some Slavs live in the same Latin country as you”, Gafà continued, telling Camilleri “they are interested in your writing. It’s a shame you’re writing against them”.

In another post published on Wednesday, Gafà asked Camilleri whether he has asked people for “€30,000 to stop writing about them”, adding “You are so dirty! All of Malta will know how you make your living”.

Facebook-post ‘journalism’

Lovin Malta‘s article written by David Grech Urpani fell short of providing context and simply described Gafà as a “PL activist” who “was once a trusted associate of Joseph Muscat”.

It could have easily referred to one or two of its 86 previous articles which mentioned Gafà, including no less than six articles so far this year by Tim Diacono about Gafà’s Facebook posts.

Hundreds of articles about Neville Gafà can also be found here, here, here, here, and even here.

Neville Gafà used to stalk Daphne Caruana Galizia and the family, her sister Corinne Vella told the public inquiry into the assassination of the journalist.

Her family said he had followed Daphne, Tal-Bidnija as he called her, even one day before she was murdered, posting photos of the journalist on Facebook.

This image is not up for grabs, Lovin!

The news outlet could have also reached out to Mark Camilleri for a comment which the author told NEWZ.mt on Friday morning had not happened.

Instead, Lovin used an image showing Mark Camilleri, produced and owned by NEWZ.mt, taken from Neville Gafà’s website which had neither secured a license for using it nor indicated the source.

Camilleri set to return

Both Neville Gafà and Lovin Malta further failed to mention how Camilleri has recently been boasting about his return to Malta announced for October.

Regardless, Gafà has been mocking all week Camilleri’s well-known yet futile secrecy surrounding his current country of residence, hinting that he also knows the author’s exact address.

MaltaToday owner Saviour Balzan, who similarly accused Camilleri of blackmail in January 2024, ‘revealed’ Spain as the author’s country of residence.

Back in December 2021, Simon Mercieca had already falsely claimed that the author and guerilla publisher lived “near” the Spanish city of Vigo.

On Wednesday, Gafà asked in another Facebook post how Camilleri is doing with the Signal app and “what excatly happened to Whatsapp?”

Mark Camilleri, who recently announced an attempted WhatsApp hack which saw him permanently locked out of his account, told NEWZ.mt on Friday morning that no data was compromised.

Cover Image: Special thanks to Miguela Xuereb
– the Best!