LIVE | Decree: Fearne, Scicluna and others to stand trial

Julian Delia reported live as the Court decreed there is enough prima facie evidence for Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna and the co-accused to stand trial

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12:40 | This live blog ends here. Thanks for following!

12:38 | Edward Scicluna has left the building, not giving any comments, 138 minutes(!) after Court decreed there’s enough prima facie evidence for him the other defendants to stand trial.

12:30 | It’s confirmed! 130 minutes after today’s brief court sitting ended, Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna is still inside the building – instead of returning to his desk, governing the country’s monetary and financial stability.

11:20 | Apparently Scicluna is having a chat with fellow accused Alfred Camilleri on the second floor, a source who is still inside tells us journalists.

11:13 | Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna might have left the Courts of Justice building through its backdoor. However, journalists are still waiting for him as this information is not confirmed.

10:28 | Fearne on his way out: “I will read the contents of the magistrate’s decree and make a decision.”

The former health minister also said he will only issue a statement after he goes through the court’s decree in detail.

10:15 | The first sitting of the compilation of evidence in the case has been scheduled for 22 August.

10:12 | Our colleague Monique Agius from Newsbook, seated behind the defendants, has noted Chris Fearne’s audible reaction to the decree: “As expected”.

The court limitedly upheld the prosecution’s request in imposing conditions on the defendants, which are:

– making themselves available to the prosecution by answering all calls and emails,

– and a €10,000 personal guarantee each.

The court partly upheld the request on freezing orders: A €20 million freezing order was imposed on Kevin Deguara. 

However, the court rejected the prosecution’s request regarding the freezing orders on Kenneth Deguara, Deborah Chappell and DF Advocates, and instead issued temporary freezing orders. 

10:06 | The court starts delivering its decision, after the defence agreed that Magistrate Leonard Caruana should only read out the operative part of the decree.

10:03 | Magistrate Leonard Caruana has just delivered two separate decrees connected to the Vitals hospitals scandal, declaring that there was enough evidence for Taomac Ltd, Wasay Bhatti, Accutor AG and Spring Healthcare Services AG to stand trial. 

The court issued a €9 million freezing order on Wasay Bhatti, who is charged in his capacity and as a representative of Accutor and Spring Healthcare Services AG.

10:00 | ‘Good’ Morning! Julian Delia is standing in a packed Hall 20 – not the 22 as usual – and reporting live from his mobile. The court is currently going through the usual roll call.