Danger to life: Authorities fail to secure potted trees from strong winds

A number of potted trees at Mosta Square, which had been placed there for birds to roost, were only secured after they had fallen due to strong winds

The trees already made headlines on Friday evening after local council workers had ‘decorated’ them with Christmas lights.

On Saturday morning, reporter Gerald Fenech published photos showing the fallen trees on his Facebook page.

Fenech reported that the archpriest had been discussing with the local council what can be done to prevent the trees from falling on people and church property.

Update 13:15 | When contacted by Bonġu, the Mosta Local Council replied that the trees had been put together and secured on Saturday, with their pots tied.

The council felt the need to emphasize that the incident had “no news value at all!”, and said people could come to “to see our work for the benefit of the residents” if they wish to do so.

Bonġu’s question on why the potted trees were not properly secured in the first place has been left unanswered.