Bonġu Election Desk on 3 March 2022

ADPD presented its electoral manifesto on Wednesday — PN MP Jason Azzopardi claimed road signs were replaced with a Robert Abela banner

ADPD presents electoral manifesto

ADPD, the green party, presented its electoral manifesto on Wednesday.

Just like Volt Malta, the Greens are proposing a fixed-term parliament with full-time MPs.

ADPD wants to limit donations to political parties to €5,000 per year from the same person.

The party is further pledging a parliamentary secretary dedicated to get Malta off the FATF greylist, and an inquiry into all major contracts awarded by the government, such as Electrogas and Vitals, since 2013.

ADPD suggests all buildings should be carbon neutral, with PV panels on all public, industrial and commercial buildings, and micro-turbines producing electricity in industrial zones.

The party also reiterated its call for better water management, such as collecting and storing rain water, as many new buildings don’t even have a well.

The Greens proposed a national wellbeing index including social and ecological criteria, as a guide for political decisions on the economy.

And: ADPD wants every small vehicle to be replaced by an electric one by 2030.

Jason Azzopardi’s road-sign claim wrong

Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi has wrongly claimed that direction signs on a footbridge crossing Marsa’s Triq Aldo Moro were replaced with Robert Abela’s election campaign banners.

Read the full article here