Andre Callus, activists handcuffed and dragged away by police

Moviment Graffitti’s Andre Callus and further activists at Mosta Square were handcuffed and dragged away by police

The activists are currently blocking construction workers from fencing off the area, in an attempt to prevent the uprooting of the trees.

Police and local wardens dragged protesters away from the area, pushed them to the ground and handcuffed them.

The public could follow the apparently disproportionate police action on Tuesday afternoon in a Moviment Graffitti live broadcast on Facebook.

“In response to our action to stop the absurd felling of protected trees, the police, acting violently, excessively, and intimidatingly, have just arrested one of us”, the NGO said.

Andre Callus was arrested, brought to the nearby police station, but returned uncuffed around 30 minutes later.

He told journalists that the police were not the activists’ issue.