ADPD: U-turn on Marsaskala marina ‘just for the votes’

The Green party says Labour’s ‘flip flop’ on the yacht marina plans is ‘no surprise’ and a ‘propaganda exercise’ to catch votes

Alternattiva Demokratika candidate Brian Decelis said that the Labour Party did not surprise anyone with its decision to shelve plans for a 700-yacht marina at Marsaskala Bay.

“While ADPD were opposed from the outset and these sentiments were echoed by many residents and various NGOs, the right decision has been taken. For now.”, the party said.

However, the Greens questioned how voters would know that a re-elected Labor government would “not reinstate their misguided plans”.

ADPD chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that the prime minister’s announcement should be seen as a vote catching exercise in the district where there had been major objections across the board.

Abela: Decision on marina ‘permanent’

Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister Robert Abela had already reiterated that the decision to scrap the Marsaskala marina was “permanent”, adding the government would not intend to revive the plans in the future.

However, Abela did not exclude a marina at Xemxija Bay, the other area where a marina had been earmarked in the locals plans of 2006, “following consultation with all stakeholders”.

Partit Nazzjonalista demands reassurance

The Labour government’s u-turn had proven residents and activists right, PN candidate Robert Cutajar said in a media conference in Marsaskala on Wednesday afternoon.

He said the Nationalist Party is demanding a confirmation from Labour that the 700-yacht marina plans are definitely abandoned.

Cover Photo: ADPD – The Green Party