ADPD calls for judicious use of resources, Volt for fair living wage

Malta’s non-parliamentary opposition called on the government to watch consumer prices, and to introduce a fair living wage

ADPD commemorated Workers’ Day at the farmers’ market in Ta’ Qali on Saturday morning.

The green party said judicious use of Malta’s resources is needed to better address the increase of cost of living.

While subsidising basic energy and water consumption for households was commendable, blanket across-the-board subsidies did not make sense, ADPD said.

ADPD deputy chairperson Sandra Gauci called on the consumers’ watchdog to carry out spot checks against fantasy prices at retail outlets.

“The increased prices of daily needs are unbelievable. Every week going to the supermarket is a nightmare”, she said.

Volt calls for €1,100 living wage

Volt Malta reiterated its call for a fair living wage, fair working hours, safe working standards and for the fight against exploitation of vulnerable workers.

The Maltese branch of the pan-european party has long called for a minimum wage of least 60% of the monthly median wage – €1,100.