Aditus presents election pledges for a ‘more just society’

Human rights NGO calls for a full-time parliament, clear commitments to the rule of law, and the decriminalisation of abortion

In a report published on Wednesday, human rights NGO Aditus proposes 37 pledges for candidates to make on issues including strengthening institutions, the rule of law, migration, citizenship and abortion.

Three of the NGO’s proposals are an action plan on the implementation of outstanding rule of law recommendations, a full-time parliament, and full disclosure of donations to parties and entities they own.

Aditus also calls for the decriminalisation of abortion, and the decriminalisation of the use of false documents in situations involving refugees attempting to enter Malta to seek safety.

The human rights NGO has urged election candidates to “be mindful that in a democracy the rule of law, transparency and justice are the fulcrum on which a State rests”.

It said it wishes to see an inclusive electoral campaign based on democratic ideas, vision and human dignity and less on antagonism, harassment and cronyism.

“In particular, we strongly appeal to all candidates and to party leaders to ensure that their campaigns are entirely free from racism, misogyny or other approaches that seek to score political points off the backs of vulnerable or disenfranchised people.”