Abela agrees to white paper on media reform plans

Prime Minister Robert Abela said that the government will issue a white paper on the proposed media reform laws

Abela’s announcement came as the government tabled the final report of the committee of media experts in Parliament on Monday.

More than 130 editors, journalists and activists supporting the Media Reform Initiative, and the Institute of Maltese Journalists had called for further consultation.

The media experts committee proposes

  • the inclusion of journalism in the enforceable part of the constitution
  • a system of transparent public funding for media houses
  • requiring public entities to provide information to journalists within reasonable time
  • constitutionally protecting journalists from revealing their sources
  • a complete overhaul of laws protecting journalists from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs)
  • and to widen the scope of anti-SLAPP laws to further possible targets, such as NGOs and activists.

Bonġu has published the report of the government-appointed committee in full.