71% disagree with Abela’s defence of driving test racket

A survey found that almost three quarters of voters disagree with the Prime Minister’s reaction to the driving test scandal

“That is the way the political system works”, Robert Abela defended the fast-tracking of driving test candidates shortly after the racket was revealed.

He said helping people was one of the main functions of a Maltese politician, and that the public expected that.

A Times of Malta survey now reveals that 71% of voters disagree with Robert Abela’s defence of the driving test racket.

“Is referring driving test candidates to Transport Malta officials a normal part of a politician’s functions?”

Only 12% of the 600 people participating in the survey said they agree, and 17% refused to answer the question.

Even 48% of people who would vote for the Labour Party said that they do not agree with the Prime Minister’s statement.