‘Publish media expert committee’s report now’ – journalists

More than 130 journalists and activists are calling for the immediate publication of the media expert committee’s report

The lack of transparency in the implementation of the media reform is of concern, the group told Prime Minister Robert Abela in a letter signed by editors, journalists, academics, members of civil society and artists.

It said the media expert committee appointed by the government had already submitted its final report and recommendations in July.

The signatories expressed their disappointment that the report is still unpublished, even though six weeks have passed since it was received by the government.

Before taking any legislative bill to Parliament, the government should immediately publish the committee’s report and launch an open and effective public consultation on a white paper including the bills and intentions of the government, the group said.

“We expect the State to implement all the Public Inquiry recommendations and to do so in a holistic manner. This must include the recommendations on how to address impunity, corruption, and the abuse of power. This is the only way we can ensure journalists are protected.”

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