Bonġu Election Desk on 15 March 2022

ADPD cartoon on legal battle for seats — Coleiro-Preca endorses Ian Borg — Abela condemns Joe Debono Grech speech

ADPD cartoon on legal battle for seats

ADPD candidate Mina Tolu has published a cartoon on the green party’s announced constitutional battle if ADPD reaches a national quota but is not allocated seats in parliament.

The party promised “ADPD will make every first vote count”, and said it is “unjust” that “proportional distribution of seats only takes into account PLPN’s nation-wide result”.

ADPD said with enough first count votes it “can fight for every one of them at constitutional level”.

Coleiro-Preca endorses Ian Borg

Former President and Labour veteran Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca has been endorsing a number of Labour candidates, including Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg.

In December 2020, Coleiro Preca heavily criticised the Mrieħel Bypass flyover plans and their possible negative impact on her lifelong hometown Qormi.

Directed at Ian Borg’s Infrastructure Malta, the former president asked whether the “rape that Qormi suffered throughout the past 50 years going to continue”.

Just eleven months ago, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca called on the Labour Party to conduct a soul-searching exercise and to apologise to its supporters and the country.

Abela condemns Joe Debono Grech speech

Prime Minister Robert Abela has condemned the language used by former Labour MP Joe Debono Grech in a rally held for Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri.

On Friday, Debono Grech said “People say that all are corrupt. And they’re right. But we got nothing out of their corruption. At least we gained something out of ours”.

When asked by The Times of Malta on Monday, Abela said “This is why the PL has renewed itself – to eliminate such language”.

Joe Debono Grech’s words were met with frenetic applause from the party faithful, including the Gozo Minister.

Cover Image: Screenshot of Joe Debono Grech at a rally for Clint Camilleri