Bonġu Election Desk on 8 March 2022

MEIA slams Farrugia Portelli’s ‘disrespect’ — Cassola: ‘TVM censored appeal judgement’ — ADPD and Volt sign up to children’s pledges

MEIA slams Farrugia Portelli’s ‘disrespect’

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association (MEIA) has criticised Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli for her comments on PN candidate Julie Zahra’s Eurovision past.

The two candidates were taking part in a debate on Monday evening, when Farrugia Portelli said “We are not singing on a stage here, we are speaking about the facts”.

MEIA expressed its full solidarity with all artists and condemned “disrespectful comments that attempt to undermine the artists’ profession”.

Cassola: ‘TVM censored appeal judgement’

Independent candidate Arnold Cassola said it seems that PBS had censored a news item about his successful appeal in his case against the gender quota mechanism.

Cassola said that although a TVM journalist contacted him for comments, the state broadcaster’s main news bulletin on Monday evening didn’t air his story.

The independent candidate noted that contrary, the initial court judgement, ruling he had no judicial interest, had been reported very prominently on TVM.

[Update] The state’s broadcaster reported about Arnold Cassola’s successful appeal on Tuesday evening – with a delay of 24 hours.

ADPD and Volt sign up to children’s pledges

ADPD and Volt Malta have signed up to the children’s manifesto issued by the Children’s Rights Observatory Malta.

Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said it was “a privilege to participate in this initiative where children were its active proponents”.

“This manifesto is very important not just because of the issues it raises but also thanks to the process that created it. The collective thrust for the common good found in this manifesto is a source of inspiration”, Cacopardo said.