Survey: 47.6% would still vote for parties involved in corruption

Corrupt to the core? Almost half would still vote for candidates involved in corruption scandals, a survey commissioned by UoM shows

47.6% would still vote for parties involved in corruption, a survey commissioned by University of Malta’s Faculty for Social Wellbeing showed.

“If your preferred party is involved in a corruption scandal, will you still vote for it?”

Only more than half of the participants said that they would not vote for their preferred party if it was involved in corruption.

Interestingly, the 16 to 25 year-old respondents showed the highest loyalty to their party in this scenario, with 10.4% responding ‘definitely yes”, 22.9% answering ‘yes’, and 33.3% saying ‘maybe’.

Only 4.2% of the youngest voters responded ‘absolutely no’.

This is another result of a survey on people’s views on various issues carried out by Sagalytics among 600 participants aged 16 and over.

Cover Image: Markus Spiske