10 – Take away unexplained wealth

Watch our alternative Christmas calendar, featuring ’20 Proposals for a cleaner Republic’ by Repubblika, Occupy Justice Malta and Manuel Delia

We often wonder how some people are wealthy but it’s unclear where they got all their money from.

Some people inherit wealth. Some people create wealth with hard work and smart investment. Some people win the lottery.

It’s nearly impossible to do those things without anyone knowing. In any case if the authorities ask any legitimate source of wealth can be documented and proven.

Sometimes the police know that someone’s wealth is coming from criminal activities. It isn’t easy to prove a crime especially when the criminal is smart at avoiding getting caught.

It’s not enough for the police to know about a crime. They must prove it in court. Sometimes that cannot happen for a while.

Malta’s Parliament debated a draft law proposed by the government that would have given state agencies the power to challenge in court someone’s unexplained wealth.

Without having to prove a crime has happened, the authorities would be able to challenge a wealthy person to prove how they got their money.

If they can’t, the money would be taken away from them. That’s how you get tax dodgers, drug lords, people traffickers, and bent politicians.

Without explanation the government withdrew the draft law. We can’t do anything about unexplained wealth.

It is the wealthy who must prove they earned their wealth without commiting crimes.

If anyone enjoying wealth cannot prove legitimate sources of their fortune, they should be presumed to be benefitting from illicit gains.

Following proceedings in court, their wealth should be taken from them even if a criminal source of the wealth is not yet proven. 

Written by Manuel Delia
Video Production & Voiceover: Michael Kaden