1 – Parliament over government

Watch our alternative Christmas calendar, featuring ’20 Proposals for a cleaner Republic’ by Repubblika, Occupy Justice Malta and Manuel Delia

In July, Malta’s Parliament debated a resolution calling on the government to start a public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul Sofia.

The young man died on a construction site. He became a symbol for all the people
who were injured or killed on construction sites.

At least some of them died because the authorities failed in their duty to enforce the law and keep them safe.

Most Members of Parliament privately or publicly admitted they supported the idea
of a public inquiry. But the majority still voted against.

Most of the MPs in the government party admitted they voted against their conscience. Why did they do that?

Because over time we have forgotten what Parliament is for. It has become a ceremonial place where the government gets its own way. Every time. Right or wrong. That’s not how a democracy should work.

We need to give Parliament the tools and the independence it needs to be able to watch over the government and its conduct.

We need full-time parliamentarians, so that even the government MPs do not depend on the government for their living.

Only then can MPs truly represent their voters, not their bosses.

Written by Manuel Delia
Video Production & Voiceover: Michael Kaden