110 people in distress, NGOs call for urgent rescue operation

Rescue needs to be coordinated urgently for 110 people on two boats, NGOs AlarmPhone and Sea-Watch said on Friday

Over 30 hours had passed since a first rescue call, when its spotter plane recovered the vessel on Friday, Sea-Watch International said on Twitter.

The NGO said the 32 people had still not been rescued, and that Malta’s rescue coordination center could not be reached.

Meanwhile, NGO AlarmPhone reported that 78 people in distress in Malta’s search and rescue area had alerted them on Friday morning.

Update 29 April 15:55 | Around 80 people arrived in Lampedusa, NGO AlarmPhone said on Saturday afternoon.

SOS Mediterranee said on Friday night its team of the NGO’s vessel OceanViking had rescued 168 survivors in 3 operations in the Maltese search and rescue area on that day.